Bookends Menu Items: Preferences: ...Don’t capitalize in Title Case ...Importer Tags ...World Wide Web Preferences [3]: Don’t capitalize in Title Case   When designing a Format, you can choose to have the title output in Title Case, meaning that every word in a sentence or phrase begins with a capital letter. In most cases you will not want prepositions and articles (e.g.,"to", "in", "a", etc.) capitalized. The list shown above contains words that will not be capitalized when Bookends converts a title to Title Case (the first character of the title will always be capitalized, whether it begins a word that is in the exclusion list or not). You can add to or delete from this list. The exclusion list is stored in a preferences file. Importer Tags   Bookends can import reference information downloaded from on-line services and CD-ROM. Each source has its own way of arranging the reference information. What they have in common is the use of ‘tags’, which are (usually) two-letter codes that precede each item of information. The built-in Bookends importing functions use these tags as a guide for parsing the reference information and placing the pieces in the appropriate fields. With Medline downloads, for example, tags include AU (authors), TI (title), and SO (source). Tags that are automatically recognized by Bookends are listed in the field entitled Built-in. If you uncheck a tag (by clicking on it once), Bookends will ignore that information (e.g. Keywords) when importing references from the corresponding source. Information preceded by tags that are not automatically recognized by Bookends can be imported by entering their specific code into the Import to Notes field. The pop-up menu above these fields is used to specify a particular “translator”. Again using Medline as an example, tags that you might want to import include UI (Unique Identifier) and LA (Language). When Bookends encounters these tags while importing, the information they specify will be placed in the Notes field; a Return is used to separate multiple tagged fields. The default settings provided with Bookends will cause a reference’s Unique Identifier, if provided, to be imported to Notes. If you don’t want this information imported, delete the entry from the Import to Notes field. + Recognition of the two-letter codes is case-sensitive: LA is not the same as la. + The Importer Tags specifications are saved in a preferences file. World Wide Web   If Bookends is running in the background, it will become the frontmost application when a Web access is detected if Bookends to front on web access is checked (nothing happens if it is already the frontmost application). When Hide when in background is checked, Bookends will become invisible when it is running in the background. It will become visible when it comes to the front. The Choose Web Browser… button lets you change the name of the Web browser that will be used when you select the Open URL menu item from the File menu. If Allow remote entry of references is checked, users who access your Bookends databases over the Web can enter reference information (if you provide the appropriate forms, of course). You can enter a password here that the user will have to provide when references are submitted (a password is optional). If the password is empty, Bookends will allow remote users to enter references whether or not they supply a password. + The case of the characters in the password is ignored.